My friend
Katrin who designed our
web site, talked me into starting and creating a blog. So here I go! Kim our operations manager says that people are interested in food and will want to read about what we do at Elyse's Catering on a regular basis. I believe that cooking is a lost art and it can bring friends, families and communities together. As a young girl I learned to cook out of survival when my mother went to care for my grandmother. I was the only girl in the family of six children and my father would prepare
Lipton Chicken Noodle soup with spinach and beaten eggs to serve with our fried Bologna sandwiches. We all grew tired of this very quickly. So I learned to start cooking at the early age of nine. The first meal I ever created for us all was a roasted turkey dinner. My brothers and my father thought it was spectacular and so I was encouraged to go on. I later remember making my first apple pie with my father again when my mom was in Florida caring for my grandmother. I had fun searching for recipes and was inspired to try them out on my brothers. Today I still enjoy looking for new recipes and now I try them out on the my customers. I hope to share and explore my passion for food with you as I cater my way into your homes and offices. Check back soon for my next post.