Love this time of year. It is beautiful here in the Puget Sound area and the scent of lavender is everywhere. We can see several varieties all around the area.
We had a recent client that used lavender predominantly for her wedding centerpieces. A neighbor had provided her with 3 five gallon buckets full of fresh cut lavender from her yard. The private home where the wedding took place smelled heavenly. All were drawn to the scent like bees to pollen. Once the tables were set, the centerpieces went into place and the guest seating area took on a different feeling. We felt a sense of clean crisp peace. Now those three words- clean, crisp and peace- do not generally go together. But on this occasion, the design of the table settings, lemon wedges in water with the sun beaming through them, and the scent of fresh herbs made the descriptive words mesh.
The bonus of the aromatherapy provided by the fresh herb made this event spectacular! Not to mention somebody had a lot of wonderful lavender to take home and make their home smell!
You may not have access to so much lavender and wish to find someplace that you wish to acquire some. A great local scource called Evergreen Valley Lavender Farm! Thane and Peggy Bryenton are wonderful and passionate about their product. This was a hobby that became a business. They have 11 varieties, two that are culinary specific, and are looking to open for the 2012 season! Here is a link to their youtube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDB611DJ4-w